[NEW FEATURE] BC Maximizer – Tiles to a List View

[NEW FEATURE] BC Maximizer – Tiles to a List View

I am thrilled to see that more than 700 people are using BC Maximizer! You can start using it by simply downloading the extension on Edge or Chrome. For those who don’t know what I am talking about, you can read about the BC Maximizer extension in my previous post here.

Erik’s video had an additional impact on the visibility of the extension. If you are curious about the video, you can check it here.

However, the purpose of this blog is not to brag about the success of BC Maximizer, but to present you with a cool new feature. It is one of the things that annoys me the most, even more than manually maximizing every new page: changing the layout option from tiles to a list on the list pages.


Similarly to maximizing pages, changing from tiles to a list view will work out of the box with a new version of the BC Maximizer (v. 0.0.4). To better understand the new feature, check the following video.

The logic behind the feature

To get the list view in BC, we would’ve had to click the “View Layout options” button and then the “List” option. See the image below for clarification.

BC Maximizer first checks whether the page is opened in the “List” view and if not, it automatically enables the “List” view option.

If we compare this to maximizing pages where only one action was executed, here we have an additional step. First, we need to open the options menu and then select the option. If you wonder how I achieved that, you can check the code on my Github repo here.

Starting from this new version 0.0.4., BC Maximizer will also work for the URLs that are part of the Embed app program, but the URL needs to contain words bc and dynamics.com.

Coming next

One of the next features I am thinking of is automatically hiding the FactBoxes. However, having FactBox shown on some pages is useful, so I am still not sure how or will I proceed with this feature. One of the ideas is to have an additional setup, but we will see.

If you have some new ideas for the BC Maximizer, or if you are experiencing some issues with it, feel free to open an Issue on a GitHub repo.

Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this new feature and that it will save you a bit of time and nerves! Cheers!