
Media on temporary tables

I talked about “Tools and Techniques for Optimizing Business Central” at DOK Nordic in Odense in April and at DynamicsMinds in Portoroz last week. One topic I covered was about the benefits of using Media instead of BLOB. Also, I warned about the risk of unreferenced data when working with Media or MediaSet data type. During the DOK Nordic event, I got a question about Media on temp tables which led me to start testing. Media and MediaSet But before we get to the answer, let’s start from the beginning and say a few words about Media and MediaSets. Literally…

[NEW FEATURE] BC Maximizer – Tiles to a List View

I am thrilled to see that more than 700 people are using BC Maximizer! You can start using it by simply downloading the extension on Edge or Chrome. For those who don’t know what I am talking about, you can read about the BC Maximizer extension in my previous post here. Erik’s video had an additional impact on the visibility of the extension. If you are curious about the video, you can check it here. However, the purpose of this blog is not to brag about the success of BC Maximizer, but to present you with a cool new feature.…

The weirdest bug ever

EDIT: The Grammarly extension is the root cause of the problem! Thanks, Erik Hougaard for pointing this up! It took me a while to figure out what to do after consuming large amounts of holiday calories, and how to spend them. I hope my brain cells used them well since I decided to play with Business Central instead of going to the gym. While I was testing some scenarios with Blobs I encountered some weird behavior. This then drove me in a completely different direction than I was expecting. So I started debugging and it took me quite some time…

Business Events in BC

It’s been almost three weeks since the Directions EMEA conference in Lyon and impressions have finally settled a bit. Once again, I shared a stage with my colleague Renato Fajdiga. Our presentation about capabilities of connecting Dataverse with a Business Central went really well; the audience showed interest, especially about Business Events, and that’s why we decided to write blog posts about it. The plan is for the blog to consist of two parts, or rather two separate blog posts. The first part is mine, where I write about the Business Events from developers perspective. On the other hand, Renato…

BC Maximizer

It’s been a while since my last post, but I’m still alive and I promise to be more frequent with my writing. However, I want to thank my friend and colleague, Tin Fišter, who is responsible for inspiring this post. The story goes like this: every time we’re on a call, he complains about having to manually click to open a page in a wide layout view. After hearing him complain about it for the 68th time, I got an idea; a simple browser extension could solve his problems. But not only his, I assume there are more people annoyed…

Relationship between BLOB fields and SetLoadFields()

It was great to hear a lot of positive comments after I published my previous post so I hope I won’t disappoint you and that this post will be at least as useful as the previous one. At the moment, we are experiencing some performance issues because of the BLOB fields. Maybe some of you have similar problems and possibly are not even aware of them. This seems like a great continuation of my blog. Because of that, the structure of this post is similar to the structure of the first one. Let’s get started with the Problem part. Edit…

Performance issues opening specific pages

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a while now, but I’ve just kept postponing it. Until now. Last week we had some performance problems connected to opening specific list pages. After finding the cause of the problem, I think there is a high possibility that others also have similar problems but aren’t aware of them. This actually seemed like a great introductory topic for my blog. Edit Microsoft introduced a fix for this problem in BC 19.4. The problem It all started when we noticed in Telemetrics that some of our customers have performance issues. Since the product…